Tuesday, November 18, 2014

My dark eldar armor

I wanted to share with everyone some of the steps it took to make my armor for my dark eldar wytch cosplay. I had so much fun making it. I was very hard to make though. That is  because of having to figure out a pattern and trying to make it a reality. It took me a month to make the costume. What I need was worbla,scissors,heat gun,paper and craft foam. I burnt my hands quiet often lol. The worbal didnt want to work with me half the time lol. I got a lot of air bubbles from putting the pieces together so they were thick and not thin. I had to prime it before painting the armor.  I used all acrylic paints. I dont wanna go in to full detail lol i dont want to bore anyone. But if you want more info Kamui Cosplay has an armor book you can order. look her up on facebook. Her book is amazing and helped me a lot :) . thank you for reading hope you like it. Check out the photos i added showing some of the steps :) 

 hope you all enjoyed :)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Gencon 2014

Gencon 2014 was amazing :). 63rd legion the podcast I am on did some interviews with some amazing companies: Sodapop Minatures, Cipher Studios, GCT Studios, Impact Miniatures, Twilight Creations, Mantic Games, and Outlaw Miniatures. Didn't get any game demos this year it was packed. They made it bigger then last year and let more people in it was so crowded. They also had food trucks this year, great idea. It made getting food so much easier :). The lines for demos was long and the wait was long as well. Some games were a 30min wait. It was so crowded and the podcast had so many interviews we could only get a few pictures. Check out all the interviews here  http://63legion.podomatic.com

me and maria-claude (I am vandella from super dungeon explorer)

Friday, July 4, 2014

Raven Guard

Now I'm a hardcore Chaos Priestess, and a Xeno lover (well only those who eat souls and beat people to a pulp), but I am a lover of one Space Marine Chapter; Raven Guard. I love the look (the Mark 6 Corvus Pattern armour. Beaky! lol), the colors, and the fluff.

Sons of the Raven.
The 19th legion to be created, Raven Guard are masters of stealth, sabotage, fast attacks, and assassinations. When the Gods of Chaos swept the infant Primarchs  Corvus Corax landed on the mining moon Lycaeus, orbiting the planet Kiavahr. The core of Lycaeus' population lived underground in mines, and were slaves. Kiavahr was under the rule of the tech guilds and anyone who committed any offense (whether murder, speaking out against the rulers, or stealing) were stripped of all rights and sent to Lycaeus. After several generations there was now a large population being born, living, and ultimately dying on Lycaeus. But once the baby Corax arrived the population quickly hid him away believing he was the one who would free them. Corax is Kiavahr for "Deliverer". As Corax grow he was taught anything anyone would teach him. From political ideals, combat, and weapons making; the only thing he did not learn from all his fathers and mothers was his amazing power. Once young Corax was discovered by the Tech guilds soldiers, or so he thought, for he discovered he could bend light around his body, turning invisible.

With his new found power Corax spied on the Tech Guild's guards, teaching himself the value of stealth and in turn teaching his people new skills. As he became adult Corax lead a revolution, quickly taking Lycaeus, and renaming it Deliverance. His final move to crush the Tech Guilds and free all of Kiavahr was one of horror that he never forgave himself for; a full on nuclear strike. To this day Kiavahr has a high mutant population due to radiation from the strike and the planets massive forges polluting the planet, it is believe that all of this with the the future experiments done by Corax has lead to genetic problems with the Raven Guard geneseed.  With thousands dead and the arrival of the his father the Emperor with the 19th Legion, Corax now ruled Kiavahr and Deliverance and was given command of the 19th Legion; which he named the Raven Guard. After the beginning of the Heresy and the deaths of most of his Legion from the Drop Site Massacre Corax received the knowledge to create a new Raven Guard Legion, but with the Alpha Legions betrayal Corax learned his greatest lesson: The Raven Guards true strength was in their unstoppable will to fight.
With the Second Founding Corax split his Legion into four Chapters; Raven Guard, Black Guard, Revilers (survives of the Drop Site Massacre who learned how to fight traitor Marines), and the Raptors (the survives of the genetic experiments with enhanced abilities). Now all Chapters who are Sons of Raven follow his teachings and his belief, they are not the destroyers of kings but the liberates of the oppressed. Giving everything they have and then some to free humanity from those who believe they are better.

Now lets talk about Raven Guard in game. Like all from Codex Space Marines they come with two chapter tactics; Strike from the Shadows and Winged Deliverance. First Strike from the Shadows. All models in the detachment gain Scout (unless Bulky or Very Bulky); hello Outflack and Scout move! As well in the first game team turn all units have Stealth (unless Bulky or Very Bulky). Now for Winged Deliverance. Jump infantry gets to use their jump packs in movement and assault phase. So they move 12 inches and then assault 12 inches, with Hammer of Wrath. HA HA! And to make it better, re-roll failed wounds caused by their Hammer of Wrath. Yay!

For you fluffy players Vanguard is your new best friend. When entering into battle, Shadow Captains (leaders of the Raven Guard) are followed by their personal trainees, The Company Wing. Five to Ten Marines armed just like their Shadow Captain. Now if you don't want to arm them all the same that's ok because its not the wargear you want them for, its the rule Heroic Intervention. First Vanguard ignore penalties from disordered charges, and Vanguard Sgts automatically pass the Initiative tests when he makes a Glorious Intervention. What is that you ask? If your Shadow Captain is in a challenge and is taking a beating, the Vanguard Sgt gets to push him out and fight for him. Perfect bodyguards.
Another unit you should love in Raven Guard, SternGuard. With Chapter Tactics Raven Guard they can now either Outflank or perform Scout moves. Combi Weapons that show up on someones flank, epic. Dont want to spend the extra points on Combi-bolters or any great weapon, cool. You still get the Sternguard bolter ammo, poison 2+ or ignore cover bolter rounds.

If you want fluffy there's two units you'll need; Scouts and Assault Squads. Raven Guard love getting into the thick of fighting and with the Chapter Tactics Assault Squads move 24 inches when they can assualt, and bash in with Hammer of Wrath. As for Scouts; fluff wise a scout will spend twice as along in 10th Company so they can learn all the skills Corax would want them to, rule wise they have scout, infiltration, move through cover, and can take camo cloaks to add to their cover save. Teams of Scout Snipers with cloaks can be annoying to deal with...... trust me, I play a Raven Guard player often those scouts of his never go away.
So when playing Raven Guard use speed and cover to lay waste to your enemy.

Now lets talk about the stars of the Raven Guard, the Shadow Captains. First up Commander of the 3rd Company, Shrike. He can be seen on page 113 of Codex Space Marines. Armed with dual Lightning Claws (both Mastercrafted) he's Warlord Trait is Angel of Death; yes a giant armoured man flying at you with glowing claws should cause fear. He also has stealth and Infiltrate, put him in a Vanguard squad and keep him moving. Slice and Move, and watch the destruction.

Next up is Commander of the 10th Company, Korvydae. Armed with a Jump Pack/Thunder Hammer combo he grants Hit and Run to his unit. He makes one Assault Squad troop but you must take one scout squad. He can be found on Forge Worlds site with rules in Imperial Armour 8 Raid on Kastorel-Novem.

Where there it is, Raven Guard. Space Goth Ninjas kicking ass across the Galaxy.


So I picked up the new Ork codex last week, and I love it. Orks are one of my favorite armies; for both the fluff and the actual models. I've always wanted to play Orks but due to all the fun conversions and bits out there I could never decide what I wanted to play or if I should have a theme.

So lets start with a little about the fluff. Orks are the dominate species in the universe, the only reason why they haven't taken the galaxy by force is because they love to fight too much. Orks are linked together by a psychic force called the Waaagh! It works like this: as one Ork becomes amped up for a fight he feeds into all other near by Orks, and then they feed into all other near by Orks, and so on. When a dominate Ork Warboss calls a Waaagh all near by Orks flock to him and are revved up into a murderous frenzy; this makes the Orks a terrifying force of destruction..... unfortunately if there are no enemies near by they quickly turn on each craving a fight. No one knows where the Orks come from, they have simple been there the whole time; popular theory (according to the Codex) is Orks are actual a sentient fungal life forms of a grander race call Orkid. This race includes (in order of class) Orks, Gretchin or Grots, Snotlings, Squigs (the oddest of all Orkid life as they come in multiple types for different purposes such as oil, food, wigs, and music.... seriously they can be born for use as bag pipes), and finally Orkid fungus (which makes Ork beer and food). Also there is a rare form of Squig that grows to the size of titans, called a Squigoth.
Orks are even born with advance knowledge such as medical and mechanical, allowing them to build just about anything from cars, guns, and giant walkers of destruction. And finally, the most important thing to know about the greenskins, is might makes right. The bigger they are the more power they have. Boyz are the smallest Ork, Nobs are the full size Orks, and finally Warboss are the biggest. Currently the biggest there for most powerful Ork is Ghazghkull Thraka, some where between 15 and 19 feet tall.

So now on to the rules; a lot has changed in this Codex in regards to the rules. First big change you have to know is rule "Waaagh!". Where once you just called it after the first turn, now only a Warboss can call it. At the start of the player turn 2 (for you have to get your Orks revved up to conquer) you may now use your Warboss to call on the Waagh! Once called all friendly units with special rule "Ere We Go!" may charge in the Assault phase even if they made a Run move that turn. Now on to special rule 'Ere We Go!; this one is simple: If every model in the unit has this special rule the unit can reroll a single dice when determining its charge range. See simple. Everything has this rule other then Gretchin (real Gretchin would avoid a fight if they had to). Next on the Special Rules is Mob Rule. This has changed a lot. Where once you use the unit size to determine leadership when making checks it now works like this: If the unit with this rule fails a moral or pinning check you roll on the Mob Rule chart. On a 1 nothing happens, 2-3 characters in the unit suffer D6 St 4 AP- hits (no characters then no effect), and finally 4-6 if the unit has 10 or more models unit suffers D6 St 4 AP- hits (fewer then 10 models no effect).
Now this Codex also has its own Force Org Chart; up to 3 HQ's and up to 9 troop choices (minimum of 3 troops). If you use this FOC then you get two more rules. First is Boss of Da Waagh! Primary detachment Warlord may re-roll on the Warlord Chart. Second is Greenskin Horde (this is big). Every unit with 10 or more models in primary detachment gain Hammer of Wrath.... Mobz of Boys and Nobz now hitting upon unit contact.... Wow! Love these rules.

Some more changes in this Codex come with Mek Boyz and Pain Boyz. Where once they were only unit upgrades now they're HQ choices; but Meks dont take up a slot. Instead for every HQ you take you get to add a Mek, so 3 HQs gets you 3 Meks. My only complaint is Painboyz take a HQ slot, would have preferred this be like the Necron Ruler Court, but this isnt bad. Another change to HQs is Ghazghkull, he isnt one any more, he's a Lord of War. At 225 points (for just him) that means you can have him and 3 HQ choices (plus 3 Meks).

New to the Codex are units like Gorkanaut/Morkanaut (basically mini Stompas); the Morkanaut can take a Kustom Force Field. Neither have anymore upgrades. Also a lot of new Mek guns (7 different types) have been added. There was rumors early on about a squad of Super Orks, Orks the size of Warbosses. This rumor was fun to think about but as I said earlier Might makes Right, anything bigger then a Warboss gives the Warboss orders, so the rumor was a obvious lie. All across the board things got cheaper (excluding Battle Wagons, which went from 90 points to 110 points). Nobz jumped as well, love that. And Storm Boyz no longer have unstable Rokkit packs, where they use to explode now they do not.

Now while I love this book it has one sore spot with me. I always tried to figure out what kind of Ork army I wanted I knew one thing, I wanted Zogwort. The most powerful Ork Weirdboy capable of turning anyone into a Squig. Fricking Awesome! But guess what? This Codex introduced a new rule to how Codexs will be written "No model No Rules". And Zogwort didnt make the cut. Now the Codex has a lack of big pysker power (they may still have up to 3 Weirdboyz if you choose but none can go up to Lvl 3 only Lv 2), it feels like it's lacking but that might just be me. Anyone else feel that? Now after discussing with friends who think Zog should stay we've come up with our own "supplement" of sorts to allow. Now this new Codex mandate kinda scares me. I'm currently building a Dark Eldar army and around half the book doesnt have models, including one of my favorite HQs Duke Sliscus. As a present I was given a great conversion of Sliscus that I cant wait to use, and if he gets dropped I will be mad (he is a real army builder, great rules, not too powerful. He deserves to be played).

Now if you're interested in building a Ork army check out sites like Kromlech and Maxmini. Amazing Ork bits. From Cybork body parts, WWII German Orks, Squigs, and some amazing Mega Nobz. If you're looking for a epic Warboss model, check out Raging Heroes; they only have two Ork models (40K Warboss and Fantasy Warboss) but they are great. If I'm missing any game company that make amazing Ork models please comment, I would love to see them

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Warp Talons

When the new release for chaos space marines came out the kit that caught my attention the most was the raptor/warp talons set. After reading the fluff and the rules I decided I had to have the warp talons. Warp talons are the essence of what a assault unit should be. Human turned daemons, they are a fast brutal unit striking from the warp its self in to real space. They are armed with twin lighting claws and jump packs. I love lighting claws omg! and jump packs so you can pop up and go hi!. They come with not only the daemon rule causing fear, but also can take up to two gifts of mutation. Even when they deep strike, they enter in with a bang, causing all enemy units with in 6inch to suffer blind special rule. The only problem is they can't take icons with their marks. blah :(. Warp talons with rage, counter attack and furious charge would be scarier. 

Their kit is a dual it for both raptors and warp talons. You get two sprues to create five marines. The best part about this kit is all the extra chaos bits that I know have :) yay!. I love the extra heads, melta guns and, chain swords. You even get chaos version mark 6 beak heads. I love them!!!!. I just love how they look. The only problem that I have is some of the lighting claws have their hands separate from the claws, as well as all the feet are separate from the legs. I dont get why and I hate it!! . Bad idea gw bad! lol. 

I'm going to add khorn to mine, that way the get +2 for charge attack. 

thank you for reading  love toxic techno :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Short review of Space Marines

Ive been really busy lately with photoshoots and getting ready to move, but I wanted to write about the new Codex Space Marines. I havent gotten a really good chance to fully take it in but I've able to get a few glances in.
To start lets with the new kits. I have to start with the two kits that floored me, Sternguard and Vanguard. I was amazed by these two kits, the amount of bits in them is crazy with close to 200 bits between them. A kitbashers dream. Combi-bolters, lightning claws, thunder hammers, and so many heads and shoulder pads. The only thing I dont like is only four of everything, not enough for a full squad.
Um, the Crusaders.... they look dumb. Big and bulky, and strapped with weapons. And thats them in a nut shell.
As for the new tanks, Im interested to see if they're any good.
Now lets get in to the codex itself. The first thing, Marine Chapters. I love this idea. It makes for fun fluffy armies. Im interested in Raven Guard myself, I've always liked Shrike. But this mean that you can't mix characters into other chapters anymore, like Telion (scout sniper) can only be in a Ultramarines and not a Raven Guard. Each army has its own skills that change the army; for example Iron Hands get 'Feel no Pain' and characters get 'It will not Die', or Salamanders get Flamer rerolls and characters get 'master crafted' weapons.
Some new gear they got is the Grav Weapons. The thing about them is the wound on whatever the targets armour is; Terminators are on a 2+ Space Marines 3+. Interesting but if your facing a army with 6+ armour or vehicles, close to useless.
Once I get a chance to actual read the codex I will try to do a good review.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Gen Con Indy 2013

This year I was finally able to make it out to Gen Con Indy, and I had a blast. So much I can talk about. First off I got to finally meet the Cosplay Deviants con team. I've been apart of Cosdev for a few years now and have never gotten to talk to them outside of chat. Such great girls, I love them. I went into Gen Con on a mission to demo several games I've seen around and found interesting, one those is Malifaux. To my disadvantage the Wyrd Miniatures team had such amazing week at Gen Con by the time I got to demo both Malifaux and Puppet Wars the team was drained and exhausted. While I enjoyed the games I feel I didnt get a true demo, but I will get one soon. Another game I was looking forward to was Deep Wars, but yet again I was at a disadvantage. After a few days the Antimatter team packed up to relax and I was unable to demo :( I still look forward to learning this game. Cool mini or Not was there with great games like Anima Tactics and amazing models from Raging Heroes, and spent the whole con packed giving demos. Impact miniatures premiered their new chibi adventures line. They were so cute :) I had to have their Chibi Cthulhu. Speaking of Cthulhu I got a glimpse at a brand new game called Cthulhu Wars, which will be on sale next spring. The miniatures were so beautiful and amazing, I was sold on it without a demo. I can not wait to get my hands on this game. My time there was great and I cant wait till 2014.